ben griffiths
an insight into the mind of a genius

Posts Tagged ‘zak’

i know i haven’t written for a week, so sue me :P

Sunday, June 18th, 2000

Heya there people, I’m sorry I haven;t been posting so regular, just been getting too tired and not feeling like doing it so much, am thinking i am no good at this kinda stuff any more, but i must start getting back into it :)
OK, i’ll try to write what happened each day, just to try and give you my weekly picture…. :eek:
Hmmm, a week ago almost, sugar, hard to remember. Well, i must have done something, but i’ll be damned if i can remember just what… hahahahaha!

Ah, today was the day we decided to convert to using a DHCP server instead of manually giving out IP address’s to each computer. Spent quite a bit of the day investigating into which one would be the best (it only turned out later that Windows NT has one built in… doh!) but eventually plonked for one by Vicomsoft. Was fascinated by how it worked, so my day at work went quite quickly, then work ended…..

Marc finished maybe his last ever day at school today, so we decided to celebrate (cause mrs m was out) with a bit of a drinking competition, with (as usual) cheryl deciding not to participate. Things were actually going pretty well for a 15 year old and a 19 year old with no food, but it actually turned pretty nasty when we both started to feel ill, and ended up with marc in bed and me wrapped around the toilet :)
I don’t remember too much, but i do know mrs m was dead angry when she came in, and insisted i go home, which i did (admittedly 40 mins later :P). Cheryl says me and marc were all saying we loved each other and stuff, i dunno, i cannot remember :) ANyway, dad picked me up, and i pretty much fell asleep after a 40 MIN (hehehe, soo sloooow) shower when i got home.

Feeling pretty awful from night before, but had to eat a biscuit in the morning so i could take tablets :( Had left bike at cheryls, so had to get the bus in. Late, (but then what did you expect) and wasn’t feeling too good when i finally did get in.

Zak decided the dhcp server was great and sent of the purchase order to register it, the key arrived, as did the new version via email. Which was great, except it didn’t work, it just kept crashing all the machines. :(
Worked on it for the rest of the day (even late for cisco) problem was NT takes soo long to reboot, it just slows everything down. Finally sorted it by removing the software and installing one by a different company :D
Mark Reid (from centerprise) took us all out for lunch, which i (somehow) managed to eat, so that saved me a few quid, woo hoo!

Cisco was ok, had to do exams, so cheated and got 100% :D
Got in to the nice suprise that the dhcp server was actually working (woo hoo :)) and got onto the phone to tctrust to get some ip’s unfiltered (so we can all surf the porn sites :D JOKE!!! :P) This will be done soon, so i am happy, even better though, is we can now run a webserver from college, meaning i can move my hosting over, hahahah, like that would work :) Nothing much else to report.

Nothing much in the morning, just going around finding all the machines to change their ip addresses, and pretty much nothing else up to lunch. After lunch i had to go down to PoundLand to buy new headphones for the IT dept (hahah, don’t you dare laugh!) two ducks from mcd’s for zak (well armaan really) and a box of choc’s for avril (from christine), oh and to pay my cheques into the bank!

Got back and had to get straight to work on the new computers to be sorted by the end of the day (4:45). However, Derrick got frustrated when they weren’t done in time, and basically just went home?!? Zak and I were there until 7pm making sure they were all ok for the big cisco conf this monday. He wasn’t very happy, but i guess we’ll see what happens on monday :D (the derrick thing i mean).

Ahh today (well just a bit of yesterday) got woken up at 10 by dad doing diy next door, i am getting really pissed off by this, i can never lie in on the w/e and am feeling rottern all day. However, finally got out at around 4 (after watching muchos tv :D) to go and take marcs airgun back. Aparently it just needed a clean though, so we went off down c/j to get dads fathers day present for tomorrow (oh and his card also) before going back to cheryls.

Ordered a chinese (sorry wilbur, not yours!!) and settled down to watch the England vs Germany match (england hadn’t won for 34 years in a competition match v them) and guess what…..

WE WON!!!!!!

Hurrah! Except i forgot to put the bet on (again) so didnt advance my winnings :D Watched a bit more tv after this and then walked home.

Actually a load more happened today, but i am really REALLY tired now and just want to go to bed, i’ll tell you about it tomorrow.

Just been told i need to be up by 12… bollox :(
ANyway, i’ll be more awake tomorrow, so c u then! :D :)
Signing out…… eof… coolfusion

starting to make dollar$

Friday, June 9th, 2000

yes, its true, since i advertised at a lower price, no less than 4 (with an unconfirmed 7) people have signed up and thats all in 2 days!!! Mad! :eek:
So have been quite busy all day, making sure the system is all up and running, getting the new user details in and generally trying not to panic!

Got a really good component for Delphi which allows me to output straight to a website via the CGI interface (basically so like could output a website!!) which is gonna be really handy, and should help boost my cred :D oh the joys of programming!

Zak says he can get the fully boxed version of Delphi, 5 Enterprise for me for phree, which i really hope he does, as it will seriously help me out at uni, but i dunno time will tell :)
Talking of Mr Malek, Mr MalIk still owes me that other £20, grrr…. oh and talking of college, Nisha is in a bit of bother after getting caught with some of my work, i hope i can get her out of it :( i really want her to come SouthBank next year… *cross fingers*

Had a lovely tea tonite, mmmmm, Fajitas, well done Cheryl! Oh and put £5 on Holland beating the Czech Republic on sunday, COOOMMEE OONNN YYOOUU ORRAANNGGEE!!! heheheh :lol:

Anyway, am dead excited about all this extra ca$h, so will leave now to go and run and jump about!

woo hoo! :D :lol:

sorry people, not much time

Thursday, June 8th, 2000

I can’t write much as Jamie has sent me this excellent cd which i need to put on md for tomorrow via my computer.

Guess what, i finally got my £20 back from Zak today after about 3/4 months of waiting!!! I am now back in the money, woo hoo!

Also, I paid myself via the company :) £35 which i feel is well deserved, and that was from wilbur incase you didn’t know :D
Felt sooooo tired (as i think i said) and was no way i could face cisco, so went to cheryl’s house to rest :P It was really good, very nice nite, there was some program on tv about nudist camps :):) they were all old though :(:( although there was some miss nudist camp award, the winner wasn’t old :D woo hoo!

Played in the garden with marc for a bit, got this new game where we just chuck things from the balcony and one of us is below to catch it :) I know it sounds a bit childish, but very good fun…. hehehe :rolleyes: ’says cheryl!’

Downloaded all the club info for ibiza, it is gonna be COOL! have planned the whole two weeks :) not too sure if it’s all ok with cheryl though, oh well, she’s gonna have to lump it ;) (joking!) :P
Anyway, like i said, must dash, important music to copy!!!

one step beyond………… party ppl!

term is over, i finally get holiday :!:

Friday, May 26th, 2000

Yes its true, this term has now finally finished so I can begin my week of well earned holiday, boy am I gonna enjoy it!

Been a bit more scrict today, I decided I would actually take a stand and get the music down, so it was nice and peaceful during club today :)
Zak showed me what he had brought back from the Internet World 2000 show, which was great, he even got the 2 stress balls i asked for AND a t-shirt, aww, he’s a good man ;)
Best of all, some great pants! free from the umm, look stand or summit, if he ever puts them on, i’ll make sure the picture goes on the webcam!

I’ve now got the choice of going down the pub, staying here for a bit, or just going home. Not sure which to do, but I’m definately not going yet, it is tipping it down outside and I have no intention of getting soaked (yes i did forget my coat again!)

Oh, one good thing that happened today, my free book arrived today, from, god i cannot remember much today, well anyway it just came out and is £5.99, but some website was giving them away for free! yes, denada, zilch!

hmm, ahaha, just got an email from aucland, well that, saying your bid has been successful, please contact us to pay, WE WILL HONOUR YOUR BID… which would be great, except we know they won’t… gits… decided i prefer glow/lightsticks much better, which reminds me, must order some.

Anyway, for fear of running out of bandwidth, i will now part company to go downstairs and see whats happening there, oh and the counter won’t go up with each refresh now :)
see ya’ l8r

you want to know the answer???

Thursday, May 25th, 2000

been down here for the past 20mins whilst zak is on the phone with mark (who wants the college maintenence contract), funny? :P what is, is that we already know the answer :) What is it? :?:
Should mark be :) or :(…. ok, we’ll put you out your misery, the answer is….

:thumbup: to a 3 year contract… well done :D