The week before trouble arrived
Tuesday, March 28th, 2006Note: This entry is in multple parts, as finding time to write the whole thing in one go is becoming difficult…
So…. Part One
As I had said, the rest of the week went “as work does” until we hit Friday night. Seiko had mailed me earlier in the day to say we should go to Shinjuku Nichome (the gay area of Tokyo). Naturally, I wasn’t so keen on this, but she was going there with a friend already - so it did seem like that would be that.
It was therefore at about 9pm or so when I walked out of Shinjuku station and headed to the nearby police box corner to meet Seiko. She had been drinking for quite some time now, so was in very good spirits. She explained that her friend had decided she now liked girls as well as boys, so they had been trawling around the various gay bars for the last few hours - so her friend could “test the water” as it were.
So first stop was a quite swish bar in the basement of a building, decorated with really tasteful decor. There was a bit of a commotion getting in the door, due to me waiting to let a guy out, and him waiting to let me in. After a few minutes of bowing at each other, I was finally ushered in by the barmaid who had come out to see what was going on
Inside, there were no actual customers except for us three - so all wasn’t too bad. The bar maids were very chatty (but only in Japanese) - so I just watched “Romeo Must Die” on the tv (which had subtitles :)). Not really much more to tell here, we stayed until about 12:30, when we had to go and catch last train.
Leaving Yuko at Shinjuku station to catch her train home, Seiko and I transferred to the Yamanote line to go somewhere different (staying in Shinjuku wasn’t going to be an option) and “Ebisu” was decided upon. We could have chosen Shibuya, but it seemed like a good idea to actually go somewhere new. So, on the last train of the night (literally) we sped past Shibuya and got off at the station that was Ebisu…. and then instantly regretted it when there was absolutely nothing there!! Well, this is of course a slight exageration, but what was there that looked good - all closed at 2am or so….
After walking around for about 30 minutes, the only sensible option was clear (though we of course wished we had thought of it earlier) - get a taxi back to Shibuya —- doh!
Of course this only took a few minutes (it was litterally just up the road), though set us back a cool 1000 yen (£5) - however at least we were back where some of the action was We knew we didn’t want to club it, though were quite happy to head to a bar, so it was quite lucky when we were stopped in the street by a guy offering “nomihodai” (i love that word!) for 1500 yen… hurrah!
It actually turned out that this was the same place we had gone on New Years, but that was cool. We just wanted somewhere warm to sit and get alcohol. The all you can drink lasted 2 hours, after which, it was decided just to head back as there was nothing else particularly fun to do (and we were kinda running low on funds) - to the taxi stop!
Saturday I had planned to get up nice and early to go and do some sightseeing, but on waking at 11am and finding the weather awful, bed seemed a good enough place to stay… and stay all day I did, just taking some time out to get up, microwave some food, and change the DVD on the computer
Come Saturday night, I had (miraculously??) managed to tire myself out (by doing nothing) and I got to bed at 12:30, hoping for a nice long sleep so the Sunday wouldn’t be so unbearable… ahh… sleep…..
Ah yes, of course, common sense prevails and the man next door decides to start banging on the wall at 1:30am. What for, I just don’t know, but he decided to keep it going until 6:30!?!? Leaving me just 2 hours of sleep before I had to be up and alert to go to work. As you can imagine, I wasn’t at my brightest (for all the day… haha) and had to make frequent trips to the coffee machine to give me my much needed energy juice.
Come the end of the day, I just wanted to go home - however this was the new staffs “joining party” night, which meant 1) I had to go out, but even worse 2) I finished work at the 5pm shift, yet the party was at the end of the 7pm shift… no time to go home, so I just stayed at work doing admin jobs… (why i don’t know, but it seemed more fun that just sitting around doing nothing…)
The chosen venue for the party was the same izakaya that we had gone for Vanessa’s leaving do (so you can just look at the same photoset I guess) - and believe it or not, the same food was ordered… so like a complete copy of the previous night. I was trying my best to get involved in the conversation, but in reality I just wanted to go to bed. So it was begrudgingly that a few hours later, when Karaoke was suggested and everyone got up to go sing, I made my excuses and left …. bed bed bed!!
Aparently they only stayed for a few hours so everyone could get last train home, so perhaps I should have gone along - however, I saved some money, so I guess it wasn’t all bad.
Monday night was again a “bed early” due to Helen coming the next day, however sleep was kinda hard as I was quite excited I think I finally got off at about 2am or so
All was not over though, as then the phone calls started… over and over someone kept calling from England with seemingly their phone in their pocket. The normal thing in this case of course would have been to just turn the phone off, BUT, I couldn’t incase Helen rang. The other option would have been to put it on silent, but again, due to the fact Helen might ring, this wasn’t an option.
So I got to bed at about 4am
However, all was not quite so bad (for me at least) as I received a call at about 8am or so from Helen telling me they had forgotten to put her luggage on the plane, so she would need to wait for the next one to arrive…. 3 hours later… hurrah! This meant I could go back to sleep and meet her at a much more respectable 12′o’clock at Shinjuku station… hehe…
So it’s now Tuesday and Helen is (by all accounts) here —> to Shinjuku station!