ben griffiths
an insight into the mind of a genius

Posts Tagged ‘cheryl’

sunnyside @crash is no more :(

Monday, May 29th, 2000

well, i know i said i wouldn’t be back until 5 this morning, but there was a little change of plan and i didn’t go to frantic, here’s why:

i got to sunny’s at FOUR eventually after waiting around in mcdonalds car park for 40 minutes waiting for jamie to turn up :( anyway, we went straight to vauxhall and into the club….

WOW! like how many people are in here?!? it was totally packed with absolutely no room to move let alone throw your arms around with lightsticks?!?

This was quite a bugger, and i couldn’t really enjoy myself too much, as every time i got into the swing of the music, someone would walk (well squash) past and i would have to stop…

Then, some bloke seemed to get a fascination with me ’sticks and wouldnt’ leave me alone until he could borrow them, i let him and he then went off with them!! It took about 30 mins to get them back :) and that was only cause he had pulled and was getting off with some bird!

Thats not to say everyones a bastard though, one chap who borrowed them was cool and was really practised at them, i was dead impressed.

Anyway, when it ended at 9:30, i was no longer in the mood for more (combined with the fact my legs were almost dead) so i got the bus back to clapham and met cheryl for a kebab. We did have the intention of going to the pub, but unfortunately they were all shut (even though its bank holiday!!) so i just walked her home, picked up my bike, and now i am here :)
All in all, an… ummm, INTERESTING day!! although next week it should be a lot better, somewhere else to go which shouldn’t be so crowded……

nite, nite :P

cheryl, bazza and the long tongue ;)

Sunday, May 28th, 2000

hehehe. almost forgot all about this, but luckily cheryl has reminded me right before i go to sleep!

Now, i can’t vouch for how much of this is true (after all, i wasn’t there :)) but i do know that cheryl went out last night with all her work chums, and got into some very deep conversations (no pun intended) about her long tongue :)
Hehehe, aparently they all think she can do some ‘pretty cool things ‘ with it, and that i should have been very happy (and now obviously very jealous!!) …. can’t say i noticed myself hahahaahaha!

Anyway, i note that cheryl was doing a lot of cuddling, i wonder how much went to barry (or bazza as i like to affectionately call him :)), of course, she won’t admit to me, but, well, who knows?!? :D
She did tell me about this really cool sounding drink they had though, something about filling your mouth with liquid and then having it set alight! cool! i would try and get one myself, but i would sound a bit stupid saying to the barman “like dude, when i drink this, set it on fire!!!” :eek: maybe i should find out what it is called :thumbup:

Just rang up jamie to ask him about tomorrow, think i caught him at a really bad time (or he was just dead tired) as he seemed really angry and kept ignoring me :mad:, whoops!

Didn’t even manage to get out of him where we are supposed to be going tomorrow :) hahahahaha, nevermind, i guess i’ll just have to get loads of cash out the bank and hope for the best.

all paid up… woo hoo we’re going to ibiza :)

Sunday, May 28th, 2000

Hurrah! Finally paid off all the money owed for me trip to Ibiza, so now all I have to worry about is being able to save up enough spending money! Last year we went for one week and didnt really go so many places, yet still managed to clock up about £300:!: This year, i intend to party to the extreme, so am gonna need loadsa spare pesatas 8)
Found glowsticks :) Went in all the party shops and stuff, but actually got them from… the camping shop! £5 for two, which is a bit more than I normally spend, however they last for (aparently) 12 hours, so can use them in the afterparty when ssu finishes.

Anyway, came back here and watched ‘Snake Eyes’ on DVD (still got soo many free rental vouchers left) it was pretty good, although that bloke scares me, not sure what his name was (not nic cage, the other one), but a good film non the less.

When we got down the ‘junction, decided to try that new burger from maccy d’s… it was kinda huge, but very tasty. definately recommend it (in as much was as you can recommend a mcdonalds ;)), got a bit wet (bless this british weather) and saw quite a few drunk people (sweet bliss :)) but nothing too eventful really.

I don’t intend to stay on the computer too much longer (which is why i am writing this now), and will probably either watch TV, or Leathal Weapon 4, which I got on DVD time ago, but just ain’t got around to seeing, although I am told it is really good… we’ll see ;)
Buenos Noches! :openmouth:

for once, simon was wrong :(

Saturday, May 27th, 2000

after getting all ready to go out to the natural world shop, i thought i had better ring them to check they did actually sell lightsticks… no they dont :(
now i don’t have a clue as where to get to get some, perhaps camden market might stock them, in cyberdog perhaps?!?

shame, but will decide when i get out, the weather ain’t too bad, so perhaps everything will be ok. see if cheryl wants to come over and watch a film or summit. boy this lineone is cool ;)

parking problems

Friday, May 26th, 2000

oh, this is good, it seems my dad has been rejected for a parking permit for not supplying the correct details of proof and stuff.

Now pretty reasonable you might say, after all they need to know it’s definately him, except.. cheryl works for the permit dept, i mean, why didn’t u say girl:?: I’m sure if he finds out he won’t be very happy :)
Maybe I’ll tell him…..