am recovering from cheryls present… almost there!
Tuesday, June 27th, 2000first day going to college with me upgraded bike, which was lucky as i didn’t get going until about 10 to 9.
Normally, this would mean i would be late, but oh no, not today! i got in to college (yeah i know i should say work) in a minute 10 minutes, which is amazing. (bear in mind it used to take 20 mins minimum!! :D).
Cisco was still going on this week, but decided against it and just hung out in the network office talking to derrick about the next load of football matches
Day… internet, rest, internet, rest etc etc with my only bit of work being installing Windows 2000 on one of the new machines, the one which zak had forgotton the password to :lol:
Went down the bank after lunch to pay in a cheque and the money i had got from the hd yesterday, but also to get zak a chipmunk from mcdonalds.
Back at school, it was club time, so more internet and lazing about, woo hoo!
Heard this really cool song on the box - Freestyler by the Bomfunk MC’s, so just downloaded it from Audiofind, man it is a cool tune, nice bass :):D
Cheryl gave me a cuddly ‘Genga’ which i am dead pleased about, and have put it in pride of place next to Pikachu (i AM NOT TOO OLD FOR THAT!!!), he looks dead scary in the dark! hehehehehehe…..
Oh, good news, Jennifer Lopez has split with puffy (arogant bastard he is, HA! :P) so i am now back in with a chance. Zak keeps saying she is gay, but hey, i don’t care, i just hope she releases some pictures :)
Anyway, I don’t intend to stay on the computer too long today (which is why i am writing this now), so i will go off, maybe subscribe to FHM and get my free lopez book
So long people, sleep rox, i rox, hurrah!