Season of goodwill my a$$!
December 7th, 2005

Hmm… I’ve just come back from christmas card shopping, a grand total of 8 cards has just set me back 3 days food money!!?!? £25 for cards and a nice padden envelope to sent them in, sheesh….
Dad has pointed out I neglected to say what the matter with Yumi was, I remember this last night, but didn’t want to get up to write anymore.
Basically, since she has been here in September, the manager has always taken out his grievences on her (if he is having a bad day, she will have a bad day etc…) - well she finally had enough and broke down On the plus side, the manager apologised and promised he will be niced in future - she said if he doesn’t she will go back home to Hokaido
- so let’s hope he’s true to his word.
Last night I spent hours copying all the adjectives into my book, along with all the forms and types (to do, past, present, didn’t do, didn’t do past) along with both the polite and plain forms - well today in class, we were given a sheet on how to easily work them out by just using the first term>1>!> I guess this won’t mean much to many of you, but to me it meant I only had to write the “to do” form and I would instantly be able to work out the rest (instead of writing them all down).
Class today involved some tongue twister language, but at least I understood what was going on - I seriously need to get back into revision though, as this could run away from me very quickly.
Down to £15 to last 10 days (hmm….) - I wish they didn’t pay us so late here, it’s stupid. I’ve also been given a week to give my final holiday details - tricky as this means I need to book the flight now, which means I need to pay for it by the end of December… nuts…..
I also have a feeling I will get a kids class today, so going to go in a bit earlier to prepare it - the training was so bad, I have no confidence at all
Then after, I’ll meet up with Yumi to go Gusto for dinner - then (I hope) bed early so I will be ready for my observation tomorrow - however nothign ever goes to plan in my life, so i’ll probably make another entry at 3am or so