ben griffiths
an insight into the mind of a genius

Archive for the ‘Young and Naive’ Category

never went in the end….

Thursday, June 1st, 2000

from when i last wrote….

Chow mein supernoodles for lunch, nothing special there :)
Went to the bank to pay in a cheque i had just got in the post, when we realised that the time was 4:30, meaning we only had 30 mins to get to the town hall.

Walking quickly there, so as not to ruin dads chance of a job and got the form in. Managed to get stuck in the door on the way out (don’t ask!) so looked a bit of an idiot!

The lift for that place is tiny, although they claim you can fit up to 9 people in it! Now me and my brother definately ain’t the largest of people and you would have a lot of trouble getting 9 of us in there!

Went up to college again, yeah i know it’s sad, going into work on my days off, but the machines are just so fast (may even go again tomorrow!!!) where we met up with zak (although he had work, hahahahah! :P) and then of course went up to play Quake. :mad:
Lawrence turned up at about 6:30 thinking Cisco was on :) had to explain it wasn’t on during the holidays…. hahah, but he stayed anyway, and kept killing me in quake :(
Stayed until 8:20ish, when i had to leave to go to nans for tea (i ain’t been for ages u’know). quickly saw cheryl on the way (i know we don’t go out anymore, but i was still sad when the bus came and i had to go).

Ummm, not a lot else, had one of my domains re=enabled, got a bit of business mail (hahah, business indeed :D) and am just chillin’ to some house/trance.

I got to sleep sooo late last night, just hope i can sleep by about one tonite…. oh well… :cool:

who knew access used american style dates?

Wednesday, May 31st, 2000

apologies to any americans reading this, but your date system sucks! have been looking through all this code for a good hour now trying to figure why it keeps showing all the entries…

Hang on I say, what if I change the date format?!? Voila! Stoopid american dates :D
Anyway, made it so you only see the current week (with of course the option to go back and forward) so it should save on loading times….. hurrah!

Out in a mo to take back me dads job application, and *perhaps* staying at stevens dorm tonite, so getting totally pissed i would think :)
Better get some lunch now, and then Quake III here we come!

finally all accounts are working again

Wednesday, May 31st, 2000

well, its the end of the day and i can happily say that all hosting accounts are now reworking, and my grief and worry has ended :) whew!

Went into work with my brother to play Quake III on the fast machines there over the inet, and stayed for a few hours just shooting :D
Walked back which took absolutely ages, jumped a few fences (don’t ask) and really just chilled for the rest of the night :)
Not much action then… maybe some more tomorrow eh :D

look before you leap

Tuesday, May 30th, 2000

had a rotten morning, after being woken up at 11 by the phone, i then have had to put up with the incompetence of fasthosts for the last few hours, one of my sites has gone down (i may have mentioned it yesterday) but have only just (and just about) got it back up and working. :( :mad: :angry:

I feel really bad for the guy, as it was his opening week this week!! They still owe money as well, maybe i should disable the site until they pay :D
Anyway, now it seems to be working, i am going to take my loan app to the council, and pick up my dads form, well, as soon as the pizza has cooked anyway :)
lets hope that when i get back, the site is still working….

sleep, films, tv, sleep…. my life!

Tuesday, May 30th, 2000

Got a bit carried away last night watching the tv, and didn’t lay my little head to rest until about 4am :) however, this did prove that those lightsticks were 12hours, as they were still lighting up the room even then!!

Woke up around 11:45ish but didn’t get up until way later as there was a marathon session of pikachu (pokemon) on :D, yeah i know i’m a bit old for that, but its just a cool show :)
Turmoil when i did get up though, one of my domains has stopped working, well, been terminated as it (APARENTLY) went over 3gig of bandwidth traffic in ONE DAY?! and another has just stopped working for no aparent reason. rang the providers. but their phone line has been discontinued or summit :angry:

To get over this, met up with cheryl and rented out ANOTHER dvd! i still have all these vouchers you see, ‘Analyse This’, which was actually quite a good film, watched this whilst eating a very nice roast dinner (Well done mum :))

Also went to MCD’s to get one of those new McFlurry things (yeah i had also got one last nite, but they are soo nice :)) which is basically icecream with smarties, but put in a like mincing machine so it grinds it all together. The c/j homeless chap was there asking for money, and the anoying thing is, i can never say no (i just feel guilty!) so gave him some money, to his credit he did buy lunch with it, not just alchy like all the rest :D
Went home to watch file, after this was over, tried a bit more to sort out my hosting mess, and played a bit of house music real loud (no one was in y’see!) before taking cheryl back at about 9:20.

Of course, back at cj (clapham junction) couldnt help but go back into mcdonalds :) got ap + ice this time though, wanted summit hot (burger king didn’t have any offers on) and then come back home, to more emails about hosting :(
Decided to just give up, i can sort it all out tomorrow… at least, i hope so! :confused: