Update mode begins
September 12th, 2008
This week has been a bit of an “update my life week” - not that that really means too much for me, but I at least feel like I’ve tied up all my loose ends
Of course, as part of the updates - it meant I finally updated the software for the blog, so I feel I should start writing something again!
The biggest news is that I’m actively trying to fix my sleeping pattern - this has been uber tough as although I’m managing the wake up earlier (just!) - my body still can’t sleep to get the “go to bed earlier” bit, meaning I’m absolutely knackered every day
Infact, fuck it - I’m way too sleepy to write anything constructive today - I’ll set next Monday as the blog update day, yes, that’s a good idea - next Monday
So all that’s left to say is …enjoy the weekend, hurrah!