And thank you! :)
April 28th, 2006

Part two of the “quick” summary …. lol ….
Vanessa arrived back at maybe 6 or so - however none of us in the apartment knew as we couldn’t hear the doorbell… whoops! She was eventually let in the main door by someone making a delivery downstairs, so was able to bash on the door until someone up here noticed
Oh course, she was now extremely tired and was debating on whether to stay home It was decided that she should get a bit of sleep, to recharge ….
Luckily this seemed to do the trick and we were able to get out the house by about 11:50 or so, just in time to catch the last train …. ahh, except it seemed the times had now changed and last train was long gone, with the only one left terminating at Shibuya.
Due to there being two of us though, it meant a taxi wasn’t quite such an expensive idea (about £3 each) - so all was not lost - and from Shibuya station we were whisked to Roppongi, stepping out just as the heavens opened - meaning we had to make a mad dash for Hub so as not to get soaked!
Here we met up with Seiko’s friend “S…. (something)” - god I’m so bad with names, it’s appauling. I would like to say it’s because they are tricky Japanese, but I always had this problem in the UK as well!
After a couple of drinks, it was decided that we wanted some proper food - so an izakaya seemed like the natural choice. We therefore headed along to the building where club Hideout is located, but caught the lift up (instead of down) to the izakaya Seiko and I had been once before.
Inside, the food and drinks were pretty normal… however one poster seemed to stand out “Sexy Fried Rice” … hmmm… what could this be? There was only one way to find out, so order it we did ….. Can you guess what arrived???
Go on, you won’t believe it !
I don’t think any explanation is required ….
After all was done topside, we headed down to Hideout below (where I had to take the role of Seiko’s boyfriend, due to the large Korean attention she was getting) - where we partied until about 5am
Come 5am however, iLounge (or Maxim as it’s now known) was open, so we headed over the road to get in a few extra hours clubbing.. as you can see, Nesa loved it
I’m not sure what time we stayed until, though I reckon about 7ish, before finally departing (via McDonalds) to the warmth of home
Sunday was never going to be very hectic, though we had planned to go to Shinjuku to get a new memory card for Nesa along with a battery charger (her camera had died and she had neglected to bring the UK one) - in true me style, we got out the house at about 7pm or so (giving us 2 hours to do everything) - though I’m pleased to say it was mission accomplised - I even had time to go to Kinokuniya to buy the Japanese book I had read at Haruka’s… w00t!
Before heading home however, there was one special task which had to be undertaken - take Nesa to “Kabukicho”, the red light district of Tokyo, which is home to many, many host clubs. You know you are in the right place when you start to see huge billboards of guys in suits with flash hair everyone. Suprisingly though, Nesa wasn’t at all impressed, commenting they looked like “gay boys” rather than the attractive guys she had been expecting… pah… no pleasing some people
Mission failed, we then went to check out some of the UFO catcher parlours to see if anything great was on offer. In about the 4th place, we came across a machine with Ninendo DS’s in abundance, which actually looked pretty easy to grab.
I therefore set about the task of retrieving one, and on the 6th go, I got one!!! w00000t! Opening the box however, something wasn’t quite right… for a start it didn’t weigh much, and looked kinda cheap…. our suspisions were confirmed when we realised that there was no catridge slot, not any slots at all - they were just all fakes…. what was it you ask? A bloody voice recorder!!! Quite why anyone would want a replica DS recorder I just don’t know (infact, it seems no-one, hence the reason the machine was full of them ;)) - of course, it said voice recorder on the box, but we had both assumed this was a feature, not the whole thing!!! pah!!!
I was a bit peeved to say the least…. mew!!!
We made one more stop off (at the Shinjuku Hub - believe it or not ;)) before finally getting the train back, then getting an early(ish) night - due to having to work overtime the next day….
Part 3 coming tomorrow ….
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Tags: hub, kabukicho, maxim, nesa, roppongi, seiko, sexy fried rice