Where do we find these things….??
December 19th, 2005

Hehe - so it’s now Sunday evening and I’ve just got time to write this entry, then I’ve got to take my Japanese end of term test In theory I could just cheat as I have it here next to me, but i think that would be a little pointless - so i am going to create real exam conditions!!
So last night, I hardly need to say where we went, it hasn’t change week in week out yet, so I’m pretty sure you can guess. A little difference in the planning this time though, as Seiko wasn’t going to be home for dinner and we were going to eat out. However, I had to wait for Mums call, so had to cancel that bit (the eating out) - thus leaving me with the dilema of no food
I decided that something out would probably be best, however before I left, it was time to make the customary “going out cheapskate drinks” - it was going to be a simple vodka and coke, but i had neglected to buy any coke, so it was going to have to be something different.
I’m pretty glad there wasn’t any coke actually as this allowed me to find my perfect drink. Simply take half a glass of red wine, add a random amount of cassis and finally top up with vodka - delicious
Two pints later and having then dj’ed for the last hour or so (so was very hyper) - it was time to leave. However, I suddenly had a massive “missing Gowry” attack, so decided it would be a good idea to call her. Of course, after 2 pints of the above, i really wasn’t in such a fit state to call anyone, so just remember apologising over and over for being so drunk lol…
Leaving the house was also a bit of a challenge as the flooring in our apartment is so uneven or at least, it was last night - strangely enough it seems to have flattened out now….
First stop before Roppongi was McDonalds to pick up some food. The order went OK, Double Cheeseburger - no problem. Whilst I was waiting for it, the next person made their order - some chips… hmmm… yes, I want some chips too - so called over the staff to add it…. next person orders some Chicken nuggets… sumimasen - sore-to Chicken Nuggets hitotsu…. I’m not sure how long this would have gone on, but luckily there was no one else in the queue or i dread to think how much food i would have left with
So I make it down to the platform, but although they smell nice, there’s not much taste to the french fries, coupled with the fact i’m getting a load of strange looks. Taking a quick step back to reality, it doesn’t take a genius to see why. Whilst I am indeed picking the chips up and moving them to my mouth, none of them are actually making it and I’m just dropping them all over the platform :o …. a hasty chip collecting situation then ensues and i’m left with a bag full of dirty chips lol….
When I finally make it to Roppongi, for once Seiko isn’t drunk, which is an incredible feat by her, especially as she has just been out drinking with mates… good on her!
So first stop is Hub to take advantage of the cheap drinks (and to watch Everton on the TV - so it was packed) before hunger got the better of us and we relocated to a local izakaya to get more drinks and some yaki-udon (and some glasses of water!!!)
Finishing here, we then headed off to iLounge (where we went last week) which was actually playing some good music this week (and had about 20 people in it, unlike last time) and was doing drinks for 500 yen… HOWEVER, if you didn’t know this, you had to pay 1000.. (as in, we went in and they gave us a 1000yen menu, however I pointed out there was a huge sign outside saying 500 and threatened to leave unless they charged as that … so all was good!)
At 4am however the drinks did go to 1000 yen, so naturally we chose this time to leave and head to the Wall Street Bar next door which was again quite empty. I think it’s due to the fact that these places are off the main highstreet, so perhaps you only go there if you know they are there, rather than just spotting it….
I don’t think we were here for so long until we got hungry again, so it was off to an Akonomiyaki restaurant, where we were able to get a very nice meal (though Seiko nicked most of the meat before I had a chance to get any myself :D) - I know, it looks like someone has thrown up on the table, but no, honestly it’s really nice
Come 6 or so (i think) it was time to head back to the station, there was a brief comedy moment when Seiko tried to get her coat on backwards (true to form, she had now got quite drunk) - but apart from that, we made it out relatively unscathed
Finally making it home, we discovered that somewhere along the way we had managed to pick up two softcore porn mags?!? So something new to add to our collection of “things picked up on a night out” - though I don’t know where they came from. They’re not even new, so it’s not like we bought them from a shop …?
But wait! The story doesn’t end there, there’s just a little more to go…. On returning from my room where I had put on my pajamas - i was greeted with the site of Seiko having fallen asleep on the bed, toothbrush still in mouth I submit the following photos as evidence
So there you have it, a quite successful night out
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Tags: gowry, hub, ilounge, japanese test, maxim, mcdonalds, roppongi, seiko, wall street