Let’s put on some weight!!
December 5th, 2005

Well last night was an interesting clubbing experience
After making our “take out” drinks using an interesting array of alcohol..
.. it was time to brave the cold (it really has got freezing here) and head out to the usual weekend haunt of Roppongi (despite the fact that neither of us particuarly like it). So 3 trains later and we were there.
By now the bottle was finished, so of course I had now got hungry again - first stop a cheap izakaiya where we both ordered some more food (me a yakisoba and seiko what looked like the same as we had for dinner) and quite a few drinks.
A few hours later, we figured we should actually go somewhere, so headed for the high street….. looming in front of us was Don Quotie (or however you spell it) which gave us the alternate idea to go and buy a bottle of Moet and sit on Yukas roof drinking ….
£15 worse off (and a quick stop to McDonalds for me to get meal number 3) we were soon sitting on Yukas roof, all wrapped in blankets kindly supplied to us From here on is where my memory ends, I apparently drunk half the bottle or so then fell asleep!!!
The girls woke me up a few hours later (after Seiko had already now had her meal number 3 - ramen cooked by Yuka) as one of the neighbours had complained or something so we had to leave….
It was now 4am and *very* cold - it seemed the only sensible thing to do would be to go to a restaurant So First Kitchen it was: Cheeseburger with Bacon and Eggs plus a large chips please…. hurrah, meal number 4.
Then back home.
So that was last night, I’ve put some photos up but they’re not really so interesting, especially since the battery ran out (not that there would have been much to photo anyway).
Now, I’m just working on a few bits and pieces here, will have a shower in a moment then get on with Japanese.
Yumi is coming over later for dinner, pehaps a little inconvenient as I have to ring home and Gowry, but I’ve told her this, so she can’t be suprised when I kick her out … haha…