Homework time…
December 5th, 2005
Well, that’s all my coding done for today, just finished putting the “paging” section on at the bottom, so you no longer scroll for miles and miles, it’s set to show 10 entries per page…
Of course, at the moment, due to the massive entries in place, you will still have to endure long scrolls (and page loading times) for a smidgen longer, but in a few days - everything should be cut down quite a bit
What else am I going to do here? Well, work on the gallery to make it a lot more user friendly / look a lot better. Probably Monday night for that. I’ve also got WinAmp tagging each music file I listen to, so will probably do something interesting (though ultimately pointless) with that data (most listened to, popular this week etc…)
Ok then, to the shower (where I hope it doesn’t power cut me today) and then, JAPANESE … w00t!