April 12th, 2004Posted by Justin
The clubs in Osaka didn’t impress us and decided to hang out and at a restaurant for a few hours. The streets of Osaka were filled with ganguru boys in suits and a fair amount of modified cars. Did quite a bit of ‘picture book’ shopping (by request from the boys back home) and decided to head back to the capsule hotel at around 4am
Returned to the capsule hotel around 3am, fell asleep very comfortably but an hour later the boys from Leeds returned and probably woke up the whole floor. They weren’t drunk, just typical northerners. Loud, no consideration – damn pissing off.
Apparently their mate had pulled and there were only two of them.
Asshole1 - ‘WHAT A GREAT NIGHT’ blablabla
one of the guys went downstairs and got a video ticket
Asshole2 - ‘WE’VE GOT PORN’
Asshole1 - ‘YEA! WE GOT PORN’
The bastards then turned up their tv’s on full volume and proceeded with their entertainment.
Asshole1 ‘THIS IS GREAT’
Disgusting, how can you and your mate do that simultaneously and next to each other. Eugh. The funny thing was that they were opposite Ben. Their canvas door was open so Ben could see them. Poor ben
I was so tired, I just kept waking up and falling asleep again, Ben said he was up all night! His personal description of the event was quite horrifying. Aparently he could see the silhouette of one of the guys (being directly opposite his pod)
I got up at 9am after only a few hours of sleep, Ben noticed Asshole1 had left his keys outside his pod. Couldn’t resist opening the guy’s locker and behold, a digital camera, wallet and all his clothes.
Since we have a conscience and would never steel, the contemplation was whether to:
1/fill up the locker with shampoo
2/clean the toilet with the guys toothbrush and record the process on his camera
3/hide his clothes
4/tear up all his cash into hundreds of tiny pieces
looking back now — we feel we could have done better!
Well for the rest of the day we walked though street malls that stretched for miles. I’m afraid to say, that Osaka is minge town - try as we might we did not find any talent. In particular, the japs in Osaka are deceiving. They’ll dress up very nicely and drawing attention away from the face. Long distance/short distance syndrome – hopefully Blanco will describe in more detail
Headed back to Tokyo at around 5:30am to be in time for CODE in Shijuku.
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Tags: capsule hotel, justin, osaka, porn, wanking