stressed seriously earlier, but am ok now :)
June 28th, 2000What a day, have been the most stressed i have ever been in ages, but luckily all has been sorted out now.
Even though I went to sleep quite early last nite (about 11:30) i still woke up shit tired and not wanting to go anywhere, especially not work
Got ready really quickly and because the bike has been fixed up, i managed to get in on time. woo hoo!
Found out that 2020 are being real bastards about fixing some broken machines, cause basically they didn’t get the maintenence contract. Here’s how the story goes.
Last July, ADT were looking at getting a new computer provider, and going for 2020 Group. They provided a load of machines etc and all seemed to be well. However, the machines started to go wrong a lot, and then the maintenece was crap etc etc, so Zak decided ‘no we’ll use someone else’.
Right, so 2020 find out about this, and then become all friendly and the like, trying to win his mind back (as it were). However, he’s having none of it and this year, the contract goes to someone else. (June 1st this month).
Now, a machine (well 2) go down now, and seeing as they had 3 years onsite, we ring them up (2020 this is). NO, they are not onsite and need to be sent back. Bear in mind one of these is a server and this is NOT an option.
So we tell them this. ‘NO’ it was not onsite you had, so send them and we will fix them (yeah, like when??). We fetch out the invoice for when they were bought 3 years onsite - 8 hour response is says.
I ring them up (i hadn’t yet spoken to them) and talk to the head guy. Nonon, he says not onsite. I mention the invoice, ‘we even if they were, we have a week to do it’, i mention the 8 hour response, ‘i don’t believe this arrangement was made, can i see the invoice’.
Bloody cheek! calling me a liar basically! so anyway, we now await a response.
So that was most of the day, but in between there was quite a bit else going on, oh and why was i stressed?
Well, i have been waiting for some cheques from various people for a while, which have not yet arrived, and no word from them either. I then find out my email (company one) has been down since friday, so there may be loads of people that have been trying to get to me (this REALLY pissed me off).
Zak says Mark is coming in, so i cancel my lunch with cheryl, and rearrange with him (cause mark always pays and puts it as company expense :))
OK, to put it past me (email is sorted now) i go to lunch, with the intention of afterwards going to pay in my cheque i had been sent. I get to the cafe, and just want to check i have everything…
I frantically look for it, but just cannot find it. I then leave my lunch and run back to college, NO i cannot find it.
Then it hits me, i sent a letter earlier, oh no, it had better not be in there?!? I rush to the postroom, and luckily the mail has not yet gone, find the letter and, hurrah! that was damn lucky!
Back to the cafe then (all sweaty :eek:) and then to the bank to pay it in, before browsing around putney for a bit (well about an hour actually :)).
Mark never showed so i had to pay however, make note of price and get a receipt….
When i get back, i have olivers machine to config for him, it;s great, if i put enough stuff on it, he’ll give me a phree 7110 (you know, the matrix phones). Didn’t manage to finish it, so will do it tomorrow.
Club is an uneventful as usual, except i find out its Yolandas last day tomorrow, hmmm, maybe i should get her something, i never really paid much attention to her before Oh well, Staines ain’t too far.
Mark turns up with the new digital cameras, so give him the receipt and demand he pays it Sweet, cause he says OK
Finally, its checking mail, sorting out zaks machine, and generally just playing music until 8, when i realise i should have left at 5 whoops!
Quick stop off on the way home to see cheryl and to apologise for not being there for lunch. She says she’s gonna start going to the gym and get a belly button ring. Hmmm, she just wants to pull and lot in ibiza, and you know what you need the energy for ….
On the way home I manage to reach incredible speeds on my bike, but get home totally f*cked up and out of breath, although i managed just over 2 miles in under 6 mins (with hills and stoppages in between :P)
Check mail here, fulfil any requests and setup my new domain account, which basically takes me up to now, oh i do love to read the newsgroups (they take up so much time… woo hoo!)
So once again, its good nite and godbless
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Tags: 2020, adt, bike, cheryl, inetfx, mark, nandos, yolanda, zak