so, my first correct bet :)
June 12th, 2000YES! holland beat the czech republic (admittely only just) and this means i win £3.33 Yeah, not a lot I know, but now i can put it all on england tomorrow and win back (well hopefully) £10 on top! hurrah!
So, what have I been doing then, seeing as I haven’t posted since friday.
Well, friday night, hmmm, what did happen, ah yes, I went to see Gary (me old mate) and was dead suprised when his family actually remembered me! Which was really good, nice to see him again. I originally went round to fix his computer, but the motherboard was gone, so had to spend 2 hours, yes TWO WHOLE HOURS on the phone to tech support before they would admit this and come replace it
Anyway, after this we played a bit of Super Smash Bros, a most excellent game on the n64, using his, what can only be described as MAMOUTH 36″ dolby tv he has a nice stereo as well, some souped up kenwood thing with dolby (naturally ;))
Saturday, hmmm, got up late I seem to remember, processed some new accounts (money is rooooolling in :D) and rang up mr james. unfortunately, he wasn’t going out (although i kinda already knew this) so i had to try and persuade cheryl to go to x-static… would she, nope He promises he will be out next week end though, hurrah!
Went round cheryls and played quite a bit of catch and stuff in the garden with marc, until mrs m got all angry, so we got scared and hid (well, just until she’d gone :D) but mainly it was a lazy day. Went home late waving me arms around and stuff to the tunez on me md :lol:
Today was even more relaxed! Woke up at about 10:30, sleep again until 11:00, tv until 11:30, power cut out so shower wouldn’t work so more tv until about 12:50!! FInally got a shower (our shower generator needs electricity you see, and with dad constantly doing electric things, it keeps tripping :D) at about 1:00
Went to Merton Abbey Mills to get some lunch (it is SOOOO worth it) which was really nice, food was absolutely pukka, some chicked stuff with lemon and soy sauce
Was really tired though, and we didn’t stay long, so i went over to cheryl’s to watch the football. However it seemed like i wouldn’t be there long as she got in a strop about me eyeing up some women at merton (but they were very nice ;)), this things gonna take time
Made peace a bit later, but i still think that now we split, i should be able to look, yeah, i still love her and everything (which she doesn’t believe :() but there are pretty women just begging to be looked at
Anywayz, football was good (hurrah!) and went on until about 9:45, which was when i had to leave, get a burger from the petrol station and walk home…..
here now, had shower and ready to go to beddie byez
nite nite, lets hope tomorrow i can win even more
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Tags: cheryl, czech republic, gambling, gary, holland, jamie, marc, merton abbey mills, n64