sorry people, not much time
June 8th, 2000I can’t write much as Jamie has sent me this excellent cd which i need to put on md for tomorrow via my computer.
Guess what, i finally got my £20 back from Zak today after about 3/4 months of waiting!!! I am now back in the money, woo hoo!
Also, I paid myself via the company £35 which i feel is well deserved, and that was from wilbur incase you didn’t know
Felt sooooo tired (as i think i said) and was no way i could face cisco, so went to cheryl’s house to rest It was really good, very nice nite, there was some program on tv about nudist camps :):) they were all old though :(:( although there was some miss nudist camp award, the winner wasn’t old
woo hoo!
Played in the garden with marc for a bit, got this new game where we just chuck things from the balcony and one of us is below to catch it I know it sounds a bit childish, but very good fun…. hehehe
’says cheryl!’
Downloaded all the club info for ibiza, it is gonna be COOL! have planned the whole two weeks not too sure if it’s all ok with cheryl though, oh well, she’s gonna have to lump it
Anyway, like i said, must dash, important music to copy!!!
one step beyond………… party ppl!