cheryl i forgive you :) Martika, will reply when i wake up :D
June 4th, 2000Hello people, back on my REAL computer today after that awful experience with the Psion yesterday Got some excellent house tunes here which i just downloaded from Napster
That thing rules, i would have NO way of getting them otherwise
I had planned last night to put the other £10 bet on the England game today, but the stupid site was down for ‘routine matinatence’ (or however you are supposed to spell it :)) so couldnt do it. I’ll check again tomorrow to see what other things I can do.
Hadn’t really arranged to do anything today (except get Die Hard II from Blockbuster) so when I woke up i just put on the TV Kane was featured a lot in WWF today … woo hoo! (yeah I’m 19, so what?!? ;)) which went on until about 2pm.
Tom hijaked the computer to do all his GCSE revision, bless him, i never did any and hey, look at me!! (hmmmmm….. ;)) well, i’m in a good enough mood now!
Parents went out somewhere, but then must have thought i did something good as dad brought me back the new Bon Jovi album - Crush. I was quite overcome actually, and it saved me quite a bit of ca$h. Haven’t listened to it yet, but i needed it to keep my collection going (i have all the bon jovi albums from the start, i used to be a great fan). Infact, I would have liked to have gone to the concert over here in August, but unfortunately it is whilst i am on holiday
Yeah, i was supposed to be going out this evening with cheryl to either Catch 23 (which sounds soooooooo cool) or just to get pissed, however she instead went out with someother people, grrrr, she was lucky she never did that when we went out
So i was forced to contact someone else, did I? did I f*ck I just stayed in and listened to some most excellent hard house. like i said above, have downloaded a lot more as well, hey, BK is a very cool dude
Been on the Liv4Now page reading thorugh all the forums some people on there are just plain weird… but then, well, each to their own (mmm…. britney in schoolgirl uniform :D)… can’t wait to start going out with someone again… HAHAHAHAHAHA!
What else of interest, hmmmm, not a lot, this week has been pretty damn relaxed and not a lot has been accomplished. Today was supposed to be when i did my sw11online site, but that seems to have tailed off now.
Yeah, like I said in the title, Martika i will reply to your mail tomorrow (Well today really) when I wake up, just not in the mail mood atm…
From the distant depths of london… to you my friends, goodnite!
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Tags: bk, bluesquare, bon jovi, cheryl, gambling, martika, napster, psion, tom