Whew! What a day, i can’t say there was much work to do, but I was dreading having to look after some of the year 7’s, luckily it never had to happen. 
Nah, did some video conferencing with Spain, the sound is sooo, dodgy, but yolanda is well pleased with it, so thats good :cool:.
Cisco wasn’t on
but only found out after I had shelled out for my dinner, so was a bit annoyed about that, i need the money, anyway, then got TOTALLY soaked on the way home, with flippin’ bike spray up me back 
Whoah, this tune I am listening to is sooooo cool, Speechless by Pedro & Benno a most excellent track, got it here on ’21st Century Trance’ only cost £9.99 at Ourprice, woo hoo!
Can’t write too much now, as I’ll just bore you
so i’ll be orf, but back regular whenever anything interesting happens!